

Following the result of last week’s elections to appoint Members of the European Parliament, the response in Britain has been one which has become all too common over the last couple of years: all sides are claiming victory. It happened after the 2017 general election, when the Conservative party won the greatest share of seats,… Continue reading >


If one thing is clear from the results of last night’s general election, it’s that politicians still haven’t realised that they cannot use their positions of power to do whatever they like, and that they are ultimately held to account by the electorate. The Liberal Democrats learnt the hard way in 2015 when, following their… Continue reading >


The government yesterday backed a Lords amendment to remove the word ‘insulting’ from Section 5 of the Public Order Act. Section 5(1) of the Act reads as follows: (1) A person is guilty of an offence if he — (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any… Continue reading >